Up to Date with USDEC

Up to Date with USDEC: Insights on Dairy Protein New Product Launches
Hi, I’m Kristi Saitama, and I lead health and wellness innovation initiatives for the U.S. Dairy Export Council.
I’m delighted to share exciting new data on whey and milk protein ingredients in the food and beverage marketplace. I’ll also highlight data on how dairy proteins compare to plant proteins.
All the data comes from a custom analysis conducted for USDEC by Innova Market Insights, a firm which tracks and maintains an extensive database of new product launches around the world.
2020 was a strong and record-breaking year for whey protein innovations, signaling that formulators are tapping into these nutritional and functional ingredients to deliver on consumer desires.
Tracked whey protein product introductions reached an all-time high exceeding 7,400 products globally last year. This was almost double the number of products in 2015 and reflects an impressive 13.9% compound annual growth rate from 2015 to 2020.
Whey protein launch activity spanned the globe. A third of products introduced last year were in Western Europe, while about 1 in 5 were in Asia. The United States – the #1 market for whey protein launches – alone accounted for 16.3% of introductions followed by China, Germany, the United Kingdom and Brazil.
Milk proteins also set a new record last year. Over 9,400 products were introduced globally, reflecting a 3.7% compound annual growth rate from 2015 to 2020.
When we compare aggregated dairy protein launches with those from about 70 plant protein ingredients, it is clear that dairy maintains a commanding lead. Dairy protein launches exceeded those made with plant protein by more than 3,000 products globally last year.On a regional basis, dairy proteins outpaced plant protein introductions in North America, Europe as well as the Middle East and Africa. Even in Asia where soy proteins are a traditional part of the daily diet, dairy protein launch activity was nearly on par with plant proteins last year.
The top categories for dairy and plant protein ingredient launches reflects their differences and top consumer trends in the food and beverage industry. Sports nutrition products such as powders, bars, and ready to drink beverages alongside baby formulas accounted for a large proportion of dairy protein launches. Meat related products dominated use for plant proteins.
Visit ThinkUSADairy.org for more information including a new infographic snapshot of whey and milk protein product introduction data. And, follow ThinkUSADairy on LinkedIn and Twitter to stay connected on why nutritious and sustainably-produced U.S. dairy proteins represent a promising business and innovation opportunity.
Thank you.
Up to Date with USDEC: Latest Insights Comparing Dairy and Plant Protein Processing
Hi, my name is Dr. Rohit Kapoor, and I am the Vice President of Product Research at Dairy Management Incorporated.
At the 2020 Institute of Food Technologists annual conference, I presented a first of its kind landscape study on how various food protein ingredients are processed. The study was also presented overseas for the first time in late September, in Japan.
This study shed scientific light on how dairy proteins compare with plant and other protein sources when it comes to degree of processing and impact on environmental resources. The study compared the current commercial processing methods for four dairy proteins and 13 alternative protein ingredients starting from post-harvest through to processing of the finished dry protein powder.
The study found that commercial processing of protein ingredients involves a variety of processing steps and techniques that vary based on source material, processing method and end-product produced.
Additionally, the study highlighted that processing of dairy proteins uses primarily physical separation making them clean label friendly. The same cannot be said for many plant proteins, which require the use of processing aids such as solvents, salts, acids, and bases in order to extract the protein.
Finally, during protein isolation, non-protein co-products are produced and must be utilized or disposed. The study found that, co-products from dairy protein processing are versatile and tend to find more value-added uses in food applications than those of plant protein processing, giving co-products of dairy protein processing a role in sustainable food formulations and the reduction of food waste.
With high protein food launches on the rise, these findings reaffirm why selecting the right protein ingredient is key. Dairy protein ingredients can provide the nutrition, taste and functionality needed to deliver a great consumer experience.
Thank You
Up to Date with USDEC: New Dairy Protein Nutrition Research Insights
Hi, my name is Dr. Matthew Pikosky, and I am currently the Vice President of Nutrition Research at U.S. National Dairy Council. My primary responsibility relates to leading our research portfolio investigating the heath and nutritional benefits of dairy proteins whether provide in our staple foods, milk, cheese and yogurt, or in the form of our versatile ingredients such as whey protein.
Today, I am excited to share a brief overview of a newly published review paper from July 2020 authored by 3 of the world authorities on protein nutrition and health: Drs. Stuart Phillips, Douglas Paddon-Jones and Don Layman. This review is the proceedings from a symposium presented by these authors at the American Society for Nutrition annual scientific meeting in June of 2019. It highlights the importance of protein quantity and quality in optimizing health outcomes related to aging, inactivity and bed rest and blood glucose management with a particular focus on meal-based recommendations. Research showcasing the benefits of whey protein as a high quality, versatile protein ingredient that can be readily used in these populations to help support muscle health is also highlighted.
Some of the key themes addressed in regards to the role of protein to support healthy aging, include the important distinction between the RDA or recommended dietary allowance which is established as the level of protein required to prevent a deficiency vs. the growing body of evidence which has led experts to recommend of higher protein intakes (in the range of ~ 1.0 - 1.2g protein per kg body weight per day as a minimum protein intake for healthy older adults or up to 2.0g/kg/d in those with severe illness, injury or marked malnutrition) in order to support the maintenance of muscle mass and function. This is important as the gradual decline of muscle mass and physical function with aging, collectively termed sarcopenia, is a growing public health concern as it increases the risk of falls and fractures, dependent living, morbidity and mortality.
The importance of consuming ~ 30g of high-quality protein at each meal in order to efficiently provide targeted amounts of highly digestible and bioavailable essential amino acids, and leucine in particular, as a practical strategy to support muscle health is also discussed.
Research supporting the value of providing supplemental leucine, and whey protein in these populations is highlighted. The authors specifically call out the value of whey protein in stating "Whey is a high-quality protein with a high proportion of leucine (~12%). From a practical perspective, whey protein isolate is low in lactose (<1%) and has a neutral taste profile.
Lastly, the discussion related to blood glucose control and its implications for type 2 diabetes highlights that dietary protein has a role in contributing to metabolic regulation and energy balance and particularly glucose metabolism. While carbohydrates and protein both produce blood glucose, stimulate insulin and impact muscle metabolism, there are differences in their overall impact on glucose regulation, particularly how the body manages post-meal changes in blood glucose. The impact in a shift or exchange of dietary protein for carbohydrate to result in a more balanced ratio between these two macronutrients to better modulate post-meal blood glucose may be particularly important in older adults, as they typically experience decreases in muscle mass, physical activity, and insulin sensitivity that will impair their ability to manage blood glucose thereby increasing their risk for type 2 diabetes. A more balanced ratio of protein to carbohydrate at each meal can lower the post-meal blood glucose response that may thereby help to reduce this risk.
The U.S. dairy industry is excited to share this new research with customers and stakeholders around the world. One of the authors, Dr. Paddon-Jones, just delivered a special lecture on the Role of Dietary Protein in the Sarcopenia of Aging at the Korean Dietetic Association's virtual conference last week.
Thank you
Up to Date with USDEC: New Milk Powder Research Insights
I’m Annie Bienvenue, supporting ingredients technical services for the U.S. Dairy Export Council. At the American Dairy Science Association’s annual meeting, I presented some of the results from our recently completed comparative benchmarking study, which examined skim milk powders from 4 regions around the world.
Conducted with the Food Innovation and Resource Centre at Singapore Polytechnic, our study tested several parameters related to the composition, functionality, and microbiology of skim milk powder. We also evaluated the powder’s performance in recombined UHT and evaporated milk applications. The results show that the specifications and performance of the powders is based on the individual suppliers, and not dependent upon the country of origin. Samples from the United States performed similarly to other origin powder.
Join us in September for a webinar with the authors, we’ll take a deeper dive into the findings and explore how U.S. skim milk powders can support your business needs. Stay tuned for a save the date. Visit ThinkUSAdairy.org for more information.
Up to Date with USDEC: Exclusive Edition
May 6, 2020
U.S. Dairy Market Update
In the U.S. and around the world, the impact of covid-19 remains the predominant topic of conversation and the driving force behind global dairy markets. In the U.S., demand for dairy products going to foodservice-restaurants, hotels and catering businesses-has fallen dramatically as stay-at-home orders remain in effect for most of the country. Prior to covid-19, around 40% of butter and cheese produced in the United States went into domestic foodservice. A surge in retail demand as shoppers shifted to eating at home has been welcome, but it has not been enough to offset the decline in foodservice consumption.
This led to a sharp downturn in cheese and butter prices. Roughly 94% of U.S. cheese and 96% of U.S. butter are sold to the domestic market, so severe shocks to domestic demand have a strong impact on butter and cheese prices. (U.S. NDM/SMP and whey are generally geared toward the international market, so those prices are governed by international supply and demand fundamentals.)
The covid-19 disruption to U.S. foodservice combined with strong U.S. spring milk production resulted in an oversupplied market. As such processors, cooperatives and farmers could not always find markets for their milk. Some milk was diverted to more storable products, but in many cases, the milk needed to be dumped as a last resort. However, U.S. dairy is still readily available for export markets and shipping logistics continue to run relatively smoothly.
U.S. Dairy working 24/7, 365 days a year
Resilience has long been a characteristic of U.S. dairy farmers and processors. It can be seen again in their approach to COVID-19. Read about their dedication and commitment to delivering quality milk and dairy products before, during and after a pandemic at National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) social media campaign #dairyneverstops.
Vilsack outlines the U.S. Dairy challenge and USDEC export plans
Tom Vilsack, USDEC President and CEO, and former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture under President Obama, talked with U.S. media in April about how COVID-19 is affecting the U.S. dairy industry and USDEC business plans. During a podcast with Agri-Talk, Secretary Vilsack emphasized U.S. Dairy was ready, willing and able to continue serving export and domestic markets. Hear an excerpt of his interview here.
Earth Day elicits U.S. dairy sustainability record
The 50th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22 proved an ideal backdrop to review the U.S. Dairy's unmatched sustainability credentials. The U.S. Dairy Spotlight story, "U.S. Dairy Delivers Sustainable Nutrition," explains how U.S. Dairy is dedicated to caring for the planet while feeding the world. The U.S. Dairy Export Council has also developed a new brochure detailing U.S. dairy farmers' unwavering commitment to responsible production practices and continuous improvement across the value chain, demonstrating positive impact from farm to table.
USA Cheese is going social
The USA Cheese Guild - created by USDEC as an educational resource hub - has launched a new social media campaign dedicated to building the fanbase of "Cheese from the USA" consumers in 10 countries around the world. With over 20 different social media accounts globally, we are bringing consumers top of the line content showcasing the variety, versatility, craftsmanship and innovation of the U.S. Cheese community. We encourage you to follow our global feeds as well as your respective local one to learn more: Global Accounts @USAcheeseGuild: Instagram; Facebook; LinkedIn.
Keeping tabs on evolving import requirements
USDEC's Market Access & Regulatory Affairs (MARA) team and overseas offices are monitoring global markets and compiling all market changes as they occur to expedite U.S. dairy shipments and get products to those who need them. At least 14 markets have temporarily revised import regulations in recent weeks to facilitate food security during the coronavirus crisis. They include Australia, Colombia, Costa Rica, the European Union, Egypt, Indonesia, Switzerland, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, the Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand.
Please contact your local USDEC Representative.
Up to Date with USDEC: Inaugural Message
Hello, this is Kara McDonald, supporting Global Marketing Communications at the U.S. Dairy Export Council.
Welcome, to the inaugural issue of Up To Date with USDEC!
This new communications series is designed to provide timely market information about U.S. dairy trade. During these uncertain times it's as critical as ever to ensure our safe, wholesome and sustainably produced U.S. dairy supply reaches global communities.
U.S. dairy farmers and suppliers are deemed essential services, working around the clock to safely continue operations during this pandemic. As events are postponed, this is the first in a series of virtual resources underway to deliver reliable information from market insights to innovation ideas. In the meantime, we invite you to visit ThinkUSAdairy.org.
Our goal is to stay connected and deliver reliable information to support and inspire your business. Reach out to your local USDEC representative with any questions or ideas for topics to cover. Together with my colleagues in markets around the world, We wish you the best. Stay safe and be well.